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XLRI, Jamshedpur, India

XLRI founded in 1949 visualized itself to be a partner in the liberation and development journey of the independent India with a vision of "renewing the face of the earth". Over many years XLRI has developed its own identity. The hallmark of this identity is, not to walk on the beaten path but to strike new routes; not to benchmark but to be benchmarked, to be second to none but to be the first to respond to the needs of the people and the nation, by taking up the tasks which are bold but necessary which nobody has hitherto taken up.

Centre for Global Management and Responsible Leadership (CGMRL)

CGMRL; with the objective of promoting global, ethical, and sustainable business practices through the development of the requisite academic, curricular and outreach support for students and executives interested in global ethical business; was formed in 2010 at XLRI, Jamshedpur, India. CGMRL conducted two National Conventions during 2012 and 2013 to ‘share case studies on Responsible Leadership’. Case studies from the two conventions were analyzed to develop a framework for Responsible Leadership. Subsequent to the insights gained from the two National Conventions on Responsible Leadership, conferences focusing on sectorial issues were conducted; the first on “Agri-input Management strategies for Sustainable Agriculture” was held in 2014-15 followed by a conference on e-waste management in 2015-16 and an International Conference on Responsible Marketing in 2016-17.

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